The activities within this pack have been designed to support children's gross motor skills, that is the coordination and strength of the large muscles in the body that are needed for getting around.
Babies of this age are also becoming adept communicators - they will enjoy social games and are able to express their feelings quite well now! Inside this set, we share simple games and ideas that will support their communication and language skills and nurture their emotional development.
Also included:* A range of activities to nurture your child's creative development
* Ideas to enhance their problem-solving skills
* 'Did you know' sections sharing relevant and useful research findings
RRP £14.99 Wholesale Price £6.50 Min Qty 3
9-12 Months Activity Pack
Each set comprises 30 double-sided A6-size cards, 27 of which feature activity ideas (many with multiple ideas per card).
Every set of cards is supplied in a glossy cardboard tuck box (top opening) with the colour matching that of the internal cards.
The cards and box are made from recyclable cardboard.
The cards have a playing card style coating to ensure they are wipe-clean and hard-wearing.
The dimensions of a pack is 11 × 15 × 1.5 cm
One pack weighs 165g
MIN QTY 3 (PACK SIZE 1)Hanging tabs can be provided for display if required.